Property Prices in Malta
These documents contain excerpts about property prices in Malta, mdina and valletta obtained from the Central Bank Annual Reports issued between 1998 and 2009. Excerpts taken from the Central Bank Annual Reports:
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2007 Report
Construction After having increased by 5.9% in 2006, the gross value added of the construction industry, measured
in nominal terms, rose by 2.7% in 2007 (see Table 3.4).
According to ETC data, full-time employment in
private construction increased by 2.3% during the
first nine months of 2007, as against 7.1% in 2006.
After having declined in 2006, the industry’s average
annual gross salary as reported in the LFS rose by
2.3% in the first three quarters of the year, a faster rate
than the 1.7% recorded across all other sectors.
At the same time, there was a 9.0% rise in the number
of building permits issued during the year. Although
still high, the rate of increase was sharply down from
the double-digit growth rates of previous years. The
preponderance of permits issued in 2007 was for flats,
while approvals for other dwelling types declined from
the level of the year before (see Table 3.5).
Residential Property Prices
The rate of increase in residential property prices
decelerated further in 2007, to 1.1% (see Chart 3.5),
reflecting a slowdown in asked prices for most
property types, particularly flats. While prices for
finished flats, the predominant category, rose by 1.8%,
as against 2.5% a year earlier, those for flats in shell
form went up by 1.4%, considerably slower than the
8.5% rise recorded in 2006.
Similarly, growth in asked prices for villas decelerated
to 0.9%, from 10.6% in 2006. Prices for maisonettes in
finished form and town houses contracted by 4.6%
and 7.1%, respectively. On the other hand, prices of
terraced houses and houses of character increased
by 4.6% and 11.0%, respectively.
Financial Stability Analysis In 2007 favourable domestic economic conditions
continued to sustain the financial sector’s positive
performance. The capital buffer of the banking sector
as a whole increased, complemented by an
improvement in asset quality, though profits remained
at the same level as in the previous year. The same
trends were reported by domestic banks, except for a
small decline in profits. At the same time, the financial
standing of households improved further, reflecting
the rise in compensation levels nationally and the fall
in the unemployment rate. The corporate sector
registered higher gearing and liquidity ratios and stable
These developments also led to an
improvement in the quality of bank asset portfolios.
Nevertheless, the private sector continued to
accumulate debt which, in the case of an economic
downturn, could put some strain on repayment
capability and, hence, on the banks’ profits and capital
base. This would be more acute if – given the high
concentration of the banks’ exposures to real estate –
a sharp fall in property prices resulted in a rise in
borrowers’ default rates.
The non-financial Sector
The household sector Household credit demand continued to be a major
stimulus for the growth in the banks’ lending portfolio,
although banks reported a slowdown in demand
towards the end of 2007, as indicated by the responses
to the Bank Lending Survey (BLS).9 The expansion in
credit demand was also reflected in household
indebtedness to banks, which continued to increase
throughout the year, reaching 58% of GDP, almost in
line with the euro area average. Although the resilience
of households to macroeconomic shocks improved,
helped by the further accumulation of wealth, the
increase in the debt-servicing ratio could result in more
debt-repayment problems in the future. The
proportion of household NPLs to total household
loans remained stable at 2.3%. However, the continued
strong growth in household debt during recent years
implies a build-up of risks. In fact, shocks to
disposable income and wealth remain the major source
of vulnerability for households. As indicated in
Chart 6.3, household indebtedness continued to
increase, while compensation to employees increased
at a slower rate during 2007.
The Corporate Sector A larger proportion of corporate financing needs was
met through the capital market during the year.
Nonetheless, borrowing from banks – which remained
the main source of external funding for firms –
continued to grow during the year, driven primarily
by real estate related loans. Risks associated with
such lending have grown as a result of cyclical and
structural factors. These include both an increase in
the mismatch between the supply and the demand for
property, and the high concentration of bank
exposures to this sector. Indeed, given that corporate
bond issuance during the year was related largely to
the construction industry, this disintermediation may
have partly resulted from tighter standards adopted
by credit institutions.